LOGIC Consulting

September 25, 2024


Empowering Change: The Role of Civil Society Organizations in Shaping the UAE’s Future

The UAE has achieved significant advancements in government services, emerging as a leader in the Arab world and ranking 13th globally in the latest UN
E-Government Development Index. It has also transformed into a global hub for business, tourism, and innovation, securing 5th place in the Real Economic Growth Index. As the UAE moves forward, the pressing question is what comes next and how the nation can ensure a prosperous future driven by innovation and global citizenship. Hosting over 200 nationalities in a harmonious and inclusive environment, the UAE shall nurture this cultural mosaic to enrich its social fabric and realize its centennial vision of creating a happy, cohesive society. This highlights the urgent need to foster civil society.

  1. History and Development of Civil Society in the UAE
    The evolution of civil society in the UAE is shaped by government-led initiatives and strategic partnerships with diverse stakeholders. These efforts are dedicated to aligning with national priorities and fostering civil society development.

Timeline of Civil Society Development in the UAE

  • 1971: UAE formed.
  • 1972: Ministry of Community Development established.
  • 2008: Community Development Authority (CDA) was established in Dubai to formalize and regulate civil society activities in Dubai.
    – Responsible for licensing and monitoring non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and promoting volunteerism.
    – Focused on social welfare, education, and humanitarian work.
  • 2017: Civil society organizations in the UAE must adhere to Law No. 12 of 2017 sets forth the procedures and conditions for establishing NGOs as well as the regulation for funding.
  • 2018: The Department of Community Development (DCD) was established in Abu Dhabi to strengthen civil society in Abu Dhabi.
    – The DCD aims to build cohesive and inclusive communities by regulating civil society activities.
  • 2023: The Federal Decree by Law No. (50) of 2023 in the UAE enhances the regulation of Public Welfare Associations.
    – Instilling key principles in corporate governance for public welfare associations and fostering transparency and accountability.

1.1. Early Development (1971-2000)

After the UAE’s formation in 1971, civil society was primarily led by government initiatives and a few early community organizations. Notable among these were the Dar Al Ber Society, founded in 1978, and the Beit Al Khair Society, established in 1989, which focused on charitable efforts in education and healthcare.

1.1.1. Ministry of Community Development (established in 1972)

The Ministry played a key role in formalizing welfare and community efforts. Their main initiatives are:

  • Social Welfare Programs: Provided support for vulnerable groups, including low-income families, healthcare access, and education.
  • Formalizing Charitable Efforts: Structured administration of social support and welfare programs.
  • Foundation for Civil Society: Laid groundwork for future community organizations, leading to the Community Development Authority in 2008.

The ministry has consistently coordinated with governmental and non-governmental entities to enhance social cohesion, promote volunteerism, and ensure social welfare for all Emiratis and residents.

Most Recent Initiatives by the Ministry of Community Development

  • 2021:

Social Security Community Integration Platform: This is a unified information platform that gathers
citizen data from different local and federal authorities. It allows authorized employees to access essential data to assist with social security service applications. The platform supports inquiries into various areas, such as personal and work data, income, property, trade licenses, personal status, and records of births and deaths.

Hassantuk’ Initiative: This initiative, launched in partnership with the Ministry of Interior’s Civil
Defense and Etisalat, seeks to implement and oversee smart fire and smoke alarm systems in residences. These complimentary devices will be supplied to eligible social security beneficiaries.

  • 2022:

Soun System: The “Soun” Innovative System, created by the Ministry of Community Development and partners, is designed to enhance family stability and well-being through identifying and preventing family abuse. It provides early detection with tailored questions, educational videos, policies, laws, and a family protection Soun System guide. It is accessible via the “MOCD Connect” app in Arabic and English.

UAE’s Recent Civil society Initiatives

The UAE government has initiated numerous efforts to enhance civil society. A major milestone was hosting significant global events in September 2024, including the International Government Communication Forum. This event gathered over 250 speakers worldwide to discuss vital communication strategies, focusing on agile governance, innovation, and sustainability.
Additionally, the World Congress on Rehabilitation is being held for the first time in Abu Dhabi from September 23-25, 2024, marking its debut in the Middle East. It emphasizes integrating
People of Determination (individuals with disabilities) into society, focusing on education and employment. These events accentuate the UAE’s dedication to promoting international collaboration and innovation across sectors, including government communication and healthcare for individuals with disabilities.
Moreover, the UAE has actively promoted gender equality and women’s participation in peace building and security through its National Action Plan (NAP) for Women, Peace, and Security. This
plan, which runs until the end of 2024, aims to increase women’s involvement in conflict prevention, peacekeeping, and security sectors.

Drawing Lessons from Global Civil Societies that are Relevant to UAE’s Strategic Direction

2.1. Social Inclusion for Expats: Building a Harmonious Society

  • Germany’s Model of Social Cohesion: In Germany, The National Action Plan on Integration serves as a model of how CSOs can work with governments to promote social cohesion. By bringing together various stakeholders, including civil society organizations, government bodies, and local communities, Germany has effectively integrated immigrants into society. This collaborative approach emphasizes language training, cultural orientation, and anti-discrimination measures, ensuring that newcomers can fully participate in and contribute to society.

2.2. Innovation & Entrepreneurship: Driving Sustainable Development

  • The Kauffman Foundation, A Model for Innovation and Entrepreneurship: The Kauffman Foundation in the United States provides a compelling example of how CSOs can drive innovation and entrepreneurship. By offering financial support, mentorship, and networking opportunities, the foundation has empowered entrepreneurs, particularly those from underserved communities, to launch and scale their businesses. This approach has been crucial in fostering an inclusive innovation ecosystem that drives economic growth across various sectors.
  • The Nesta Foundation, Supporting Technology and Social Enterprises: Similarly, the Nesta Foundation in the UK has focused on funding and supporting innovation in technology, creative industries, and social enterprises, demonstrating how CSOs can boost economic and technological

2.3. Knowledge-Based Economy: Laying the Foundations for Future Growth

  • The transformation of institutions like Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) into world-leading hubs of education and innovation emphasizes the critical role of civil society in building a knowledge-based economy. Both institutions were initially founded by private citizens who were committed to advancing education and research. Over time, they have developed into global centers for innovation, driving technological advancements and economic growth.
  • South Korea’s Example: In South Korea, civil society has significantly contributed to the country’s
    transformation into a tech powerhouse. Organizations such as the Korea Foundation for the Advancement of Science and Creativity (KOFAC) foster innovation and creativity through education and research, propelling South Korea as a technology and innovation leader.
  • Germany’s Collaborative Model: The Fraunhofer Society in Germany, a leading applied research organization, exemplifies how civil society can drive innovation by connecting science with industry. Unlike basic research institutions, which focus on advancing knowledge, applied research organizations aim to solve practical problems through research and development (R&D). They collaborate closely with businesses and public entities to transform scientific discoveries into tangible solutions for technological, economic, and societal challenges.

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