LOGIC Consulting

July 20, 2022


Economic Horizon
What's coming on Egypt's economic horizon ?

The Egyption economy has undergone a series of fiscal and monetary reforms over the past years, resulting in sub-stantial improvements in macroeconomic indicators. However , still deeper structural reforms are necessary to improve the overall economic situation.

If egypt is to make a full recovery, it needs to adopt policies that structurally reform the economy, improve the business climate, support the prive sector, and reprioritize government spending. Implementation is already underway. Man of the designed progrmas are off the ground, and more will be forthcoming.

Egyption Economic Conference (EEC)

Egyptian Economic Conference came amid one of the worst global economic crises in 80 years, and was centered around the theme: ” a roadmap to a more competitive economy”

The conference Included 3 main tracks :

Macroeconomic Policies

Private Sector Empowerment

Economic Roadmap for the egyption econmic priorities in the coming stage

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